MESSRS. HODGSON and GRAVES have been exhibiting during the week 'a whole-length portrait of the Queen, as she appeared when receiving homage at the Coronation ; painted in oils, half the life size, by GEORGE HATTER. The likeness is good, except that the features are too mas. sive ; and the expression is characteristic, though the air and attitude axe theatrical. The gold-embroidered Dalmatic robe and the jewelled crown and sceptre are brilliantly painted : indeed the colouring is far more pure and transparent than in the life-size portrait painted for the City by the same artist, and the likeness is much more agreeable, though the flesh tints are not to our taste. The cold empty Abbey seen in the background isolates the Queen, as if she had been suddenly left all alone in the glory of regality, "deserted by her velvet friends." This defect, however, is easily obviated, and will not interfere with the success of the print that COUSINS is to engrave from it. We should think the publtc are by this time surfeited with pictures of the Queen.