It is said that Mr. Hervey is canvassing for the
appointment of City Police Commissioner, under the bill now in Parliameat, with a fair chance of success. The other einalidates are Colonel Cox and Captain Cotton. The City Police Cep! miesianar, who will receive a salary of 1,0001. or 1,2001. a year, may tit in Parliament.
At a meeting co* West India propeietors, held yesterday at the. Thatched House Tavertu, resolutions were adopted declaring disappro- bation of the Jamaica Bill ; at the same time expressing au anxious desire that the " Legislature of Jamaica should be guided by that spirit which will best F1'ClIrC the great measure co. Emancipation," and their belief that the Assembly and inhabitants of Jamaica would earnestly eoCiperate for that purpose.
The Governors and Directors of the King's College, in the Strand, it is said have recently purehased ;E:t. Clement's Union Workhouse (which is extremely large), in Portugal Street, Lincoln's inn Fields, for the purpose of converting it into a commodions hospital for acci- dents and other casualties, on a similar plan to the London University College, in Upper Gower Street, and will be supported by the City of London. It is stated that it will hold five hundred patients.—
The fiftieth anniversary of the Literary Fund Society was cele- brated at the Freemason's Tavern, on \Yednesday. About three hun- dred gentlemen were present, including the Duke of Cambridge (in the chair), Lord Ripon, the Bishop of Llandaff, Lord Ellenborough, Mr. Hallam, and Sir David Wilkie. The " permanent fund" was stated at 18,199/., and the balance in hand at the close of last year, 290/. Dona- tions were announced, from the Queen of Mi., the Dutchess of Kent 50/., Queen Adelaide 2I/., Lords Ripon and Ellenborough 10!. los. each, Mr. Macready 5/. 5s., and many other sums varying from 5/. to 201.