Accounts from Llanidloes state that most of the persons actively
em- ployed in the riot mentioned last week have been arrested, and that tranquillity had been restored.
Arrests of Chartists have been made at Manchester, Ashton, Trou- bridge, and Westbury. It appears that the Magistrates at Manchester with sonic difficulty procured evidence identifying seven men who were in the habit of drilling a body of about fifty Chartists in the Oldham road. The people at Ashton were much exasperated by the appre- hension of their fellow townsmen ; and a troop of Carbinecrs, under Colonel Wemyss, entered the place at the request of the Magistrates. A detachment of the Seventy-ninth Regiment arrived last week at Liverpool, from Dublin, and were sent to Manchester.
A detachment of the Twelfth Lancers has left Brighton for the pur- pose of assisting in quelling the disturbances in Wales.
There have been Chartist meetings at different places in Somerset- shire and Yorkshire within a few days.
For some weeks there has been a partial run upon the Savings Banks; and we are informed, that in Truro alone not much less than 2,0001. has
been svithdrawn within this fortnight. It seems that the Chartists have caused this ; but whether by directly instigating time run, or by the alarm occasioned through their dangerous proceedings, we are not in- formed—probably in both ways.—Morniny Post.