The line of the Midland Counties Railway, from Nottinghain to
Derby, will be opened on the 4th of June to the public ; but a large The line of the Midland Counties Railway, from Nottinghain to Derby, will be opened on the 4th of June to the public ; but a large party of the directors, shareholders, and their friends, intend to make a .journey to Derby on the 29th of dfis month, to see that every thing is ready for the public opening, The trade of Preston continues to be unusually depressed. Com- plaints are made in all quarters, and though the hand-loom manufac- turers have less occasion for outcry than those engaged in the other departments of the trade, yet, except in particular instances, all are suffering more or less under the influence of the general gloom. We fear the operatives will he the next to participate in the effects of the depression.—Preston Chronicle. There was a further decline of about a farthing per pound in the price of twist yesterday, which had the effect of causing some rather extensive purchases on speculation; and the business done was to a larger extent than for several weeks past, but, of course, at prices very farbelow a remunerating level. In power-loom cloth also, there was a decline of lid. to 3d. per piece ; and the best 27-inch printing-cloth, which a few weeks ago readily fetched Ss. 6d. to Ss. 9d. per piece, would not yesterday command more than 7.s. 3d. This decline has made the situation of the manufacturers by power almost as bad as that of the spinners for export ; and a considerable addition to the number of mills working short time may be expected. An engagement to work only three days a week was yesterday very extensively signed by the spinners and manufacturers at Ashton, Stalybridgc, Hyde, and the neighbourhood ; and it was expected to receive the signatures of the whole, or nearly the whole, of the extensive firms in that district. If so, it will cause a very great diminution in the consumption of cotton, and tend materially to hasten the breaking up of that mischievous specu- lation in the raw material, which has this year proved so baneful to the trade of Manchester and the neighbourhood.—.done/rester Guardian, Wedesday.
On Wednesday night, a fire broke out in a barn belonging to Mr. Miles, of Steeple Ashton, in Wiltshire, which extended to the rick-yard and destroyed four wheat-ricks, two waggons laden with straw, some im- plements of husbandry, and three neighbouring cottages. While the conflagration was at its height, there was a violent thunder-storm. A man named Bishop is in custody on suspicion of having wilfully set fire to the premises. The property was insured in London.
Mrs. Phillips, a very old lady living near Henley-upon-Thames, was found on Wednesday morning, lying in bed, with her head smashed in a manner horrible to look upon. She had been murdered by some housebreakers, who had carried off property of considerable value.