11 MAY 1839, Page 7


The resignation of the office of Lord Chamberlain by the Marquis Conyngbain was announced on Monday ; and Tuesday's Gazette con- tained the appointment of the Earl of Uxbridge as his successor.

Tice Gazette of the same date announced that Mr. Adolphus William Chichester had been appointed Page of Honour in Ordinary to the Queen, in the room of Lord Kilmarnock ; and also the following di- plomatic arrangements : Mr. Stephen Henry Sulivan, Secretary of Le- gation at Turin, to hold the same office at the court of Bavaria ; Mr. Richard Bingham, Secretary at the court of Bavaria, to take Mr. Suli- van's place at Turin ; and Mr. Francis Leeson Ball, now an Attach' at Mexico, to be Secretary of Legation at Buenos Ayres.

The Commissinnership of Greenwich Hospital has been bestowed upon Mr. William Cowper, Lord Melbourne's Private Secretary and nephew.

The fallowing clerical appointments are announced in the Gazette of last night. Dr. Davys, Dean of Chester, to be Bishop of Peterborough; the Reverend George Peacock to be Dean of Ely ; and the Reverend Frederick Anson to be Dean of Chester.

A Cabinet Council was held on Thursday night, at ten o'clock, at Lord Melbourne's house in South Street. at which all the Ministers at- tended. The Council sat till one o'clock yesterday morning.—Courier.

A correspondent of the Morning Post says- " In less than forty-eiyht hours after the resignation of the Ministers, the following notice, or bill, was stuck in the dining-room windows of the late Seeretaiy at War, Viscount Ilinelek= This house to let, or the lease to he sold. For tickets to view, &c. &c. apply to Mr. Ovemlen.' It was put up about ten minutes past par o'clock, and was taken down again before Av."