The Queen has granted permission to the brothers and sisters
of the Earl of Essex to bear time same rank and precedency as they would have enjoyed had their father succeeded to the title.
Lord William Bentinck is ill at Paris.
Prince George of Cambridge is now on his way to Constantinople.
The Outclass of Montrose, we are glad to hear, is getting well as fast as possible. The birth of a daughter was, however, a very great dis- appointment to her Grace aud the Duke.-21/,,raing Past.
A noble Duke wrote lately to his agent to say that from the hour he married his daughter lie should cease to be employed in that capacity, and that the marriage portion should in.—.—.horning Post.
The Duke of St. Aliman's is about to marry a lady with the eupho- nious cognomen of Gubbins.
The following marriages are announced as about to take place. Mr. Charles Knox, to Lady Louisa Browne, Lord Sligo's daughter ; Lord Clarendon to Lady Katherine Barham ; and Mr. Rogers to Miss Clarke, " a young lady of great pers-mal attractions."
We learn from good authority that the reports going about in regard to the immense wealth b,vi,:athed by the late Dutehess-Countess of Sutherland to the Countess of Sorry and her second son, Lord Edward Howard, are erroneous. The Duke of Sutherland has not yet arrived in England, and by far the greater portion of the property in Suther- land is strictly entailed. The property at the disposal of the lamented Dutchess did not exceed 20,000/. per annum—Mort/My Post. [Well, 20,000/. per annum is time rental of estates worth half a million.] The grass in the Park was opened for the first time this season on Saturday. The lion of the day was the Hereditary Grand Duke of Russia, who, with his suite, were mounted on some of her Majesty's steeds, and who literally rode (1 ht Busse.