11 MAY 1839, Page 8



At the meeting of the House of Lords last night, the attendnke of Peers was unusually large. The galleries and avenues, and the space below the bar, were crowded by persons expecting some official revela- tion of the new Ministry. Lord SitAFTESBUitY spoke in a whisper to Lord MEnnounNE, who touched his hat, and said—nothing; the Duke of WELLINGTON was perfectly silent ; Lord Boot:Gunn significantly

shrugged his shoulders, in evident enjoyment of the general disappoint- ment ; the Lords laughed; the House adjourned to Monday ; and the crowd dispersed. What had really happened, we proceed to lay before the reader.

On Wednesday, Sir RonEnT PEEL was appointed First Lord of the

Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer, and received instructions from the Queen to form an Administration. There appeared to be no doubt in any quarter of his success ; and it was announced in all the newspapers of Thursday that his arrangements were in rapid progress towards completion. In both the Glohe and the Courier, however, as if from a common source, it was announced, that the Queen did not con- sider that the carte blanche, which she was said to have given Sir Ro- BERT PEEL, included power to remove the Ladies of the Royal House- hold.

On Friday, the illiwning Post was " enabled to state that the ar-

rangement was complete and definitive as to the important offices of First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Lord Chancellor, the Lord President, and the three Principal Secretaries of State ; " and that the following persons were appointed to the offices mentioned.

Lord Chancellor Lord Lyndhurst.

President of the Council The Duke of Wellington. First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Robert Peel. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs The Earl of Aberdeen.

Secretary of State for the Celonies I ord Stanley.

' Secretary of State for the Home DepartmentsSir James Graham, Bart. Notwithstanding this confident announcement, it would seem that

the PEEL Ministry had been put an end to on Thursday night. Very little is known of the true particulars. The Whig papers of Friday evening asserted that Sir ROBERT PEEL had required the expulsion from the Palace of every lady now attendant in any capacity on the Queen, and that her Majesty indignantly refused compliance with the demand. According to the Courier, the Queen said—" I would rather be re- duced'to the level of a private subject, than be deprived of the society of those to whom I ant persmally attached, and who have been the friends of my childhood." The Chronicte this morning supplies the following account of the difference which broke off the negotiation with the Tory leader—

"In discussing the arrangements with Sir Robert Peel, the Queen intimated

that, though she claimed no share in any political appointments, yet that she should expect to have the nomination of the Ladies of her Household, and the female attendants on her person. To this proposition Sir Robert objected, and demanded complete dominion in the Palace ; and this, forsooth, under the pre- text that such a sacrifice of her feelings was necessary to satisfy the country that her Ministers thoroughly enjoyed her confidence. Her Majesty at once resisted this exaction with becommir spirit ; and a correspondence subsequently took place between the Queen and'Sir Robert, which ended in the resignation, by the right honourable Baronet, into her Majesty's hands, of his authority to form a Government. The Queen then summoned Lord Melbourne to advise with her in this emergence; and in compliance with the wishes of her Ma- jesty, his Lordship consented agit:it to conduct the Government—and we can positively announce that the Meibourne Administration is restored."

We have given the Whig version of the affair, and now quote the more probable statement of the Times- " Sir Robert Peel's solicitation to her Majesty was in itself of the most reasonable and respectful kind, absolutely the reverse of that which was scan- dalously imputed to hint by the evening Whig Radical journals.

" These vehicles of falsehood raised a savage yell against the Duke of Wel-

lington and Sir Robert Peel for having attempted, as they said, to separate the Sovereign from erery one of the chosen companions with whom she had been used to associate and enjoy herself, not leaving about her Majesty 'a single friend 'of her childhood, or lade in whom she could trust.

Nov, what is the plain fact of the matter? Sir Robert Peel never once su

.much as hinted at a general change of the Indies composing the Household. On the contrary, the suggestion of the right honourable Baronet on that sub- ject was continial most scrupulously to such a proportion of the ladies havine- domestic access to the Sovereign, as might suffice to show the country tha the new public servant, officially authorized by Queen Victoria to form a Go- vernment, and to guide the empire in her name, hail enough of her reputed confidence to give effect to his instructions as a Minister, and to discredit any report which might be eircu'ated, that others, who hid ceiscd to be responsible for their actions, could exercise or, r the Royal mind an inquence opposed to that of her Majssty's actual advisers."

The ladies whose removal S:r ROBERT considered indispensable, are said by the Times to be Lord Muir era's two sisters, (the Dutchess of SUTHERLAND and the Countess of Iluamxo•rox,) Lady CHABLEMONT, and the Marchioness of NORMANBY. So far front being too exigeant, the 'Tinted intimates that Sir ROBERT PEEL was even ready to sanction the continuance of Lord MELBOURNE'S Visits to the Palace- " Equally is it an audacious and rancorous falsehood, that Sir Robert Peel proposed, or ever thought of proposing, the slightest restraint upon her Majes ty a voluntary social intercourse witli.such friends as she might wish to invite. Even in the case of Lord Melbourne, privy to, as we fear he is, if not the chief originator of a sham resignation, got up for a tricky purpose—even in his cam, so sacred were her Majesty's social preferences in the eyes of Sir Robert Peel, that the Queen was assured of the most perfect and absolute power to act on such points as might accord with her own free pleasure."

The conclusion of the Conservative journalist is, that the Whig. re- signation was a trick-

" Evidence abundant, however, has been arrived at, to prove that the resig- riAtion of the O'Couuell Ministers was not a bond fide, but a fabricated resit- `r ation,piliatstIwobiettiona tree just end necessary,. change in some perseeW„t. the Royal lieusehe d were prepared beforehand by her Majesty'sWhig,R,.dr ctrl advisers;, that thesunwprthystreachery.was part of the chosen and stand ino.' -policy 'Of 'faction • . that' the ',gross and Wicked misstatements of:thek journalsses tb What 'did really' take place have been attempts to up' the same vile fraud tipini her Majesty judgment, and' on the:Moral sense a her people."

. According, to the Standard, the influence of the "female Camarillo at the Palace " was powerfully exerted to induce the Queen to break faith with the statesman she had employed-

" Sir Robert Peel, when he undertook to form a Ministry, respectfully- stipulated for a carte blanche, including the whole of the Household appoint- ments, without any reserve. This carte blanche was most graciously accorded, and with a perfectly distinct explanation as to its comprehensive extent. " It wee not until a late hour yesterday that Sir Robert Peel was apprized that the terms of his carte blanche must be curtailed so far as the female ap- pointments in the Household were concerned; and the reference to the point did not proceed from Sir Robert Peel. " The Globe newspaper yesterday announced this change in the Queen's proposition, in a paragraph which must have been printed betbre the change was known to Sir Robert Peel. Where did the Globe obtain the inihrination;- " In fact, it has been ascertained that the Queen had been earnestly impor- tuned by the Marchioness of Normanbv, befbre she retracted the powers granted to Sir R. Peel. The Normanby'finnily have good reason to dreal an honest and an impeaching House of Commons, when the evidence taken by the Lords' Committee shall see the light."

It is hardly credible, indeed, that Sir Roamer PEEL could have been mistaken as to the original stipulation respecting the Household op. pointments.

Among other topics of intrigue, we have heard it suggested that some of the artful persons who surround her Majesty may have worked upon her inexperienced vanity, by pointing to the glorious example of firmness exhibited by her grandfather, and thecontemporary fortitude of Louts PHILIPPE in resisting a factions Parliamentary majority. If such impressions have been made upon the Queen's mind, mortifications innumerable are, we fear, in store for our youthful Sovereign. The attack upon Sir Rouisier PEEL for insisting upon the right of appointing members of the Household comes with peculiarly bad grace from the Whigs, who, in 1812, under Lords GREY and GRENVILLE, made it a sine gnu nun, and refused to enter office unless the point were conceded as a preliminary. On the other hand, the Tories need not complain that the tactics by which they often baffled the Whigs should now be turned against themselves. But Lord MELBOURNE is again Premier, and the Whig Administra- tion, as the Chronicle says, is "restored." But is it restored? Lord

Joliet ussism, very impressively declared, that besides the Jamaica Bill, there were other inevitable questions with which Ministers had not strength to cope. Suppose, therefore, the Jamaica Bill thrown aside, how are the other difficulties to he overcome?