11 MAY 1839, Page 8


Lord MELBOURNE and his colleagues held a meeting this afternoon as Cabinet Ministers, having resumed the offices which they re-signed on TueSday ; the Tories being out of the field, though not hoes de combat. The result of the Ministerial consultation is only guessed at, though it is generally understood, that after explanations, more or less explicit, to be given in both Houses on Monday, an adjournment for a fortnight will take place, to allow time ibr new arrangements. Mean- while the ;lobe-mocha Liberals are expecting great thing. Their ima- gination actually goes the length of anticipating that the Ballot will be made an " open question," and that the Government will condescend not to oppose the abolition of the Rate-paying clauses of the Reform Act, or of the Registration-shilling! In return for this magnificent concession—the practical value of which, as measures to be carried, would be nil—the " Reformers" are to resume their collars, and all is to be restored to the old footing. The Tories, it would appear, are " done." A very clever trick has been played upon them. The east-off manoeuvres of their ancestors have been practised, successfully for a time, on themselves. Whatever may be the result, the means by which it has been obtained are certainly most creditable to " Reformers." To be beaten in Parliament, to be compelled to resign the Government to the Tories, and to owe re. storation to a girl's obstinate refusal to part with two or three Bed- chamber-women, is precisely the position which rational patriots must covet I