Rita 1.
0:1 the sot ;lea., in upper Grosvenor Street, the Lady of the non. Toox.ts BARN.- WALL, of a daughter.
Ou the 20th of February, at Mexico, the Lady of T. O'GORMAN, Esq., late British Consal•Gteieral. of a thtuuliter.
On tlw 501 inst., at Mile End, the Lady of the Rev. THOMAS JACKLIN, M.A., Incum- bent of St. Peters, Steine•y, of a sou.
0:1 the 7n1, inst.. at tier Vicarage, Milton Ernest. Beds. the Lady of the Rev. C. C. POWNALT., Of a daughter.
On the fith inst., in Argyll Street, the Lady of the Rev. .TOVOTH WVIRkil, of a con. On the 5th last., at Ctilverthorpv, the Dun. 7.11rs, of a daughter.
Oil the 7111 inst., in Upper Winipole Street, the Lady of Plum? JOANYiI Snonons„ Esq., of a dan_••Itter.
Oa the 5th tilt., in Bath. the Lady of the Rev. It. V. I. kw, of it sun. OD the Stir inst., in St. JaMeS'S fluor, the Lady of J. 11. VIVIAN. Esq., M.P., of daughter.
On the 9th inst., at All Souls' Church, Langliant Plow, Captain Francis Henn llgott0x Sevuonit, of the Fusilier Guarth, eldest son of Captain Sir George Seymour, R.N.. to Lady haste MARY MellIt4Y, yolingest daughter of elm Earl of Mausfield. 0:101e 4th inst., at the British Embassy. Fraukfurt-omtbo•3141illk., FREDERIC Berson, Esq., Rine Brigade. to MINA ELIzAttErit AEssgI,EY, only child of the late Thomas Ileiteley, Esq., of the island of Grenada. Ou the 9th inst., at St. George s. Itmover Square. ReilEar Thais, Eel., of Dalton Street, youngest sun of the late Rev. Chad, Robert Dade. Rector of Den- ver, Norfolk, to li;1.14AliVrIll, only daughter of William Gonstoi, Esq., Piccadilly. Oa the Stir inst., at White Waltleint, 1,15111EHT, the youngest son of Charles Pole, Esq., or veyek 11111 House, Glonceste, shire, to ANNA, the beelAld daughter of the 11,,v. Henry Pole, of Waltham finer. Berkshire. On the 8th lust., at Ita...iturelt, Shr,oshire, W. W. E. WYNNE, Esq., of Peuiarth, Merioneill, to MARV, ea•cosii datralltv; of Robert Aglionby Showy, Esq., M.P., of Ilattou Grange amid NVallord Mant.r, Salop.
Oa the 30111 ult.. at St. John's (7harch. Paddington, 11xxitv rHIMINIIISERI. Esq., of the Middle T.enple, Barrister at•Law. second son of tIolonel Tremenhet•re, KM., to EmtA CAROLINE, only daughter of Pieranl, Esq., late District Judge iu Lire Presidency of Bengal.
On the 911i inst., at St. Georce's. Bloomsbury Squne, the Rev. Ricti.Ano SMITH. Vicar of New Roinuey, Kent, to LOUISA, youngest daughter of the lute John Usury CillTh.C, Esq. At St. Clement Banos, FREDERWR, Anti Of Joseph Cripps. M.P., fur Cirencester, to Lazurra, daughter of the lane Gerard. Berkeley Napier, Esq., of Pennald Douse, Somerset, JOSEPH T MILLARD, Esq., to 'MARY, daughter of the Rev. II. Watts. of Sion College, Rector of St. Alphatte, and prebendary of St. Pant's, Also. Timm as him nn,x, Esq., of Winchester, M Esni.v. daughter of the Rev. Robert Watts. of Sitnt College. On the 7th inst., at Amershant. Wit utm WILLER Minor, I:sq., to LYDIA, youngest da•ightt•r of the late Gt•orge Holloway. Esq., of Two Waters, I hurts. find jth inst., at Amersham, GIOROI, Esq.' son of the late George Holloway. Esq., to LOUISA FRANCIS. youngest daughter or Charles Packer. Esq.. of Reading. Ou the 12th of March, at St. Vincent's, Jolts PoVI.E tillaisN. Esq., Captain of the 70th Regiment, and Deputy Assistant Quarterninster.General in the West Indies, to IlmAng, second daughter of Alexan,:er Cumming, Esq., of Rabaea.
On the 5th Md., at Winahmore Hill, /DAVID TODD. Esq., late Superintending Sur- 111CD of the Hon. East India Company's Bengal Military Establishment.