On the 4th inst., at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, the wife of H. IV. Gordon, Esq., C.B., of a son. On the 5th inst, at 69, Eaton-square. the Hon. Mrs. Reynolds Moreton, of a son. On the 6th inst., at 4, Albyn-place, Edinburgh, the wife of Lieut.-Colonel Alison, CB., of a daughter. On the 6th inst. at 15, New.street, Spring-gardens, the wife of G. Sclater-Booth, Esq., M.1'., of a son.
On the lst inst., at Birmingham, Richard, eldest son of Abel Peyton, Esq., of Edg- beaten, to Emily Rebecca, second daughter of W. S. Harding, Esq., of Harborne- heath.
On the 2nd bast, at St. Mary's Church, W. Gunton-Gunston Maclean, Esq., of Upeott House and Freethy, Somerset, grandson of the late Colonel and Lady Mar- garet Maclean, to Grace, daughter of the late William Marshall, Esq., and grand- daughter of the late Francis Brodie, of Brodie, and of Myvoir House, Westmeath. On the 2nd inst., at Monkstown Church, Ashley In Touche, Esq., Lieut. ILK., son of the late Peter La Touche, Esq.. of Bellevue, county Wicklow, and the Hon. Mrs, La Touebe, to Sarah Julia, daughter of CoL Sir William Cox, D.L., of Coolcliffe, county Wexford. On the 7th inst, at Coln SL Aldwyn's, Gloucestershire, John Talbot Dillwyo Llewelyn, eldest eon of John Dlilwyn Llewelyn, Esq., of Penllergare, Glamorgan. shire, to Caroline Julia, eldest daughter of the late Sir Michael Hicks Beach, Bart., of Williamstrip-park, in the county of Gloucester.
On the 7th inst., at the German Chapel, Islington. Mr. Nicholas Trilimer, of Pater- noster-row, and St. Mary's-road, Canonbury, to Cornelia, only daughter of Oetave Delepierre, Esq., of Gloucester-terrace, Hyde-park, Consul-General, and Secretary of Legalipn to the King of the Belgians.
On the 8th inst., at Clifton, Captain Granville Lewin, of H.M.'s Indian Army, eldest eon of the late Sir, G. A. Lewin, Q.C., to Gertrude, only child of the late Roe. Percy renew.
On the 5th ult., at the Burlington Hotel, Old Burlington-street, in his 18th year, Thomas Haggerston Robertson, only surviving son of David Robertson, Esq., M.P., of Ladykirk, Berwickshire.
On the 1st inst., at Nice, Edward Fleming, Esq., of Bellville, in the county of Cavan, Ireland, son of the late Lieut.-General Fleming, C.B., Colonel of the 27th En. nialdllen Regt.
On the 2nd inat., at Boulogne-eur-Mer, after a long illness, Sir George Jackson, K.C.H., late 11.11.'s Commissioner at Loanda.
On the 2nd Wet.. at Melville Hospital, Chatham, Captain Peter Fisher, ILN., aged 47.
On the 4th inst., at Taplow Court, aged 38, Charles William Grenfell, eldest eon of Charles Pascoe Grenfell, M.P. for Preston.
On the 5th inst., at Worthing, the Rev. W. Browne, rector of Letheringsett, Nor- folk, and late Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. On the 6th hot, at Mount Pleasant-terrace, Plymouth, Lady Elliott, aged 58, widow of the late Capt. Sir Wm. Elliott, Royal Navy, C.B., K.C.H., K.T.S.
On the 8th inst., at 16. Lower Berkeley-street, Seth Thompson, Esq., M.D., Fellow of the Hoye! College of Physicians, and formerly Physician to the Middlesex Hospi- tal, aged 54