A. vacancy in the representation of the county of Flint
has been caused by the death of Mr. Mostyn, who expired on Wednesday, in his thirty-first year. The annual meeting of the British and Foreign School Society was held on Monday, Lord Lyveden in the chair. The report describes the affairs of the society as generally satisfactory. The returns of the income are 20,345/. ; of expenditure 25,6981. An attempt was made to carry a resolution to the effect "that no book be entered in the society's catalogue, or sold from its repository, which incul- cates peculiar religious opinions;" but it failed. Captain Willis Johnson, R.N., was elected on Saturday, without opposition, member for the Montgomery boroughs. He is a Conservative. One may not marvel that a settled provision is not made by the State for the deaf, the dumb, and the blind, since our principle is to do almost everything by voluntary effort; but one is surprised that charity does not do more for these afflicted persons. There is an Association to Aid the Deaf and Dumb, and it met on Wednesday, Lord Ingestre in the chair. Among the speakers were Lord Ebury, the Bishop of Chichester, Mr. Joseph Napier, and Mr. Monckton Mimes; yet the income of this institution is only 4231. per annum. One cannot but lament that it is not more.