Oux monetary news this week is rather less favourable than the last, the demand having increased, partly because of the fall in the American exchange, the present quotation being 105, f, which leaves a profit on the remittance of gold to that country, and part) y owing to the instal- ment of 30 per cent, falling due on the Indian Five per Cent. Loan. Consols, 91k, 92, closing heavily.
The market for Foreign Securities has been very dull d • the week, and most Stocks have fallen, particularly Mexican, which has receded 1 per cent. Turkish Stock has not maintained its late rise, partly owing to the general dulness of business, and partly through the realization of profits by speculators. This security has been also somewhat prejudiced by the recent difficulties of some Greek firms, which are happily, however, making satisfactory arrangements.
The ForeignEachanges rule firmer, and the current rate of money is about 5per cent. The following are the present prices of Foreign Stocks, viz. Mexicans, 22k,i; Peruvian Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 94, 95 ; Ditto Three per Gents, 72, 73 ; Buenos Ayres Six per Cents, 90, 92 ; Ditto Three per Cents, 28, 29; Venezuela, 19, 20 ; Ditto Deferred, 9, 10; Granada Active, 16, 17 ; Ditto Deferred, 5i, ; Victor Emmanuel, 95f, 96f ; Sardinian, 80 81; Spanish, 50f, 51; Ditto Deferred, 42f, ; Ditto Certificate;, 51, 54; Ditto Passive, 16;•, 16i ; Portuguese, 47f, 471; Turkish, Old, 70f, 71; Ditto New, 55?, 56; Russian Five per Cents, 101, 103. railway Shares have fluctuated considerably during the week, the apprehension that the rapture in America will have a bad effect on our home trade, and cause a falling off in the traffic receipts, together with the continued coldness of the weather, has induced large specula- tive sales. On the slightly more favourable news from America on Thursday a reaction of about 4 per cent. occurred, which, however, has not been maintained ; and we have, therefore, to quote the pre- sent prices at a decline from those of last week, viz : Midland, 120, 121; Great Western, 701, 71/ ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 108i, 1 ; Birmingham, 93f, 94; Dover, 80, 80}; Great Northern, 109f, 11 ; Ditto A Stock, 103, 105; Great Western of Canada, 11, ilk; Grand Truk. 415. At the twenty-seventh annual meeting of the Universal Life Assu- rance Society, a reduction of 45 per cent. on the premiums (being 5 per cent. more than last year), was declared. The outgoing directors, the Hon. James Byng, Mr. Sergeant Jones, and Sir Macdonald Ste- phenson were re-elected, and the proceedings terminated with'a cordial vote of thanks to the Chairman and Directors for their persevering and successful exertions.