11 MAY 1867, Page 3

Some leading friends of the Co-Operative movement have started .11

journal called the Industrial Partnerships' Record, a curious re- pertory of out-of-the-way facts, figures, and proposals, all bear- ing upon the subject. 'The following little table, which is official, seems to us to speak volumes. 417 societies, sending returns, possessed an united capital, owned by 148,586 shareholders, of 761,3131.; the same societies had a borrowed capital of 112,7332.; they had made net profits in the year 1865 of 279,226!.; after paying Spar cent. upon borrowed capital, the members had thus realized an average upon their investments of over 35 per cent. ; -and an average upon the whole of the money employed (share and loan alike) of over 30 per cent. We are told that the 4g regular traders" are beginning to hate the co-operative shops more than the masters hate Unions, and talk of forming Unions .among themselves to put them down.