Messrs. Blews and Co., the gas contractors for Moscow, have-
written to the Times to say they are now forged to the conclusion that their servant Mr. Bauer was murdered, a conclusion, as our- readers may remember, which at the time we strongly maintained. They supply, however, no new evidence, except a long, rambling, and scarcely intelligible letter from Mr. E. Jones, their manager at- San Paulo, Brazil, an intimate friend of the deceased. He con- firms the statement that Bauer was greatly afraid of a society,. which he believed would be irritated by his marriage ; and adds his belief that the letter of January 27 was genuine, and that there exist several secret associations in London which do commit murder, and are never punished, "smug John Bull" not caring about foreigners. He denounces these people as "devils," and says that- if he had been in London Bauer would have been safe, and gets altogether so far into the clouds that we rather wonder at Messrs. Blews' apparent confidence in his judgment.