In 1842, it was believed that a military harbour at
Alderney was essential to the perfect defence of the Channel. Accordingly a million-and-a-half was spent in beginning one, especially in making a vast stone breakwater. A year or two ago, however, the Commons decided that they would pitch no more money into the sea, the harbour was abandoned, and a Committee of the Lords was asked to consider what should be done. The Committee has reported in a most puzzle-headed manner. It believes that we cannot go on with the works on account of the expense ; cannot destroy them because of the outlay.; and cannot neglect them, because in the event of war an enemy might seize them and make them useful. So it advises maintenance for a few years, till we see if the breakwater will tumble to pieces of itself. Nonsense. If an enemy can in time of war seize and utilize the works, so a priori can we, and why not wait till then ?