11 MAY 1895, Page 26

Philosophical Remains of George Groom Robertson. Edited by Alexander Bain,

LL.D., and T. Whittaker, BA. (Williams and Norgate.)—This volume contains "Miscellaneous Papers," five in number, five articles written for the Encyclopxdia Britannica, and a variety of original essays, long and short, and reviews contri- buted to Mind, a journal which he edited from its fcundation, in 1876, until compelled to resign it from ill-health, a few months before his death, in 1892. These we pass over with bare mention. Professor Croom Robertson's place as a philosophical thinker is well defined, and it would be wholly superfluous to say anything about it. But we may commend to our readers the highly interesting Memoir which Professor Bain has prefixed. Robertson was not a pupil of Dr. Bain's; but he did much work under his guid- ance, and he was greatly influenced by his teaching. Dr. Bain tells the story of his life up to the date at which he left his native Aber- deen to take up the Professorship of Mental Philosophy and Logic at University College, London. This narrative is supplemented by Professor Carey Foster, who estimates with no kind of exaggera- tion, as the 17r:tor of this notice can testify, Croom Robertson's work in the business of the College, as a member of the Senate, as Dean of his Fa llty, and, in liter years, as a member of the Council. Finally, we have a sketch of the man from the band of Mr. Leslie Stephen, which appeared in this journal in October, 1892. A more diligent and conscientious worker never lived. Unfortunately, he was attacked at an early age—thirty-eight- by a painful disease, which proved fatal twelve years later.