We cannot imagine a more pathetic situation than that of
the popular leader who finds that he must either abandon sense and reason or be abandoned by the people ; who is called upon, that is, to sacrifice the true interests of the people, or else forfeit their confidence and be branded as a traitor. This is what is happening to Mr. John Burns at this moment, but we are glad to see that he is setting his teeth and resolving to face temporary unpopularity and accusations of treachery, rather than feed his supporters with flattery and futility. Owing to the reasonable attitude recently taken by Mr. John Burns on many public questions, he has been accused of deserting the cause of Labour, and at the Labour Demonstration, held in Hyde Park on Sunday, he was furiously attacked. The crowd surrounding his platform was most hostile, and there were loud and prolonged cries of "Why didn't you support Keir Hardie P" "Traitor," and "You are not a square man." At last Mr. Burns was stung into the bitter retort : "How do you wonder the masters beat us, and Parliament and councils do not carry out your behests, when cranks and fools want their way, and want to
rule the roost, instead of being at a night-school learning manners, or in a lunatic asylum P" He then, says the reporter, brought" his unusually brief speech" to a close. We trust Mr. Burns will not be intimidated by these tactics. If he can only hold on and defy his opponents, the men who onoe cheered and are now howling, will support him again.