11 MAY 1918, Page 16

The Cambridge University Presta has published an interesting volume of

Selections from the Poems of William Worthworth, edited by Mr. A. Hamilton Thompson (2s. 6c1. net), including some of the finest of the shorter poems and select passages from the " Prelude " and "Excursion," with an Introduction and copious notes. It is a pity, we think, that " The Happy Warrior" was omitted ; although it may be found in almost every anthology, it is peculiarly appro- priate to these times. A companion volume contains a dozen or so of Selected Essays by Hazlitt, edited by Mr. George Sampson (3s. 6d. net), including the papers on acting, "On Reading Old Books," "On Going a Journey," and "The Fight" between "the Gas- man " and Bill Neste in 1821—a capital pieoe of racy English which the editor annotates with special care.