11 MAY 1918, Page 2

General Allenby's second - advance across the Jordan into - Gilead; which be g an

on Tuesday week, ended in a retirement last Saturday. The Audtrallati cat-airy captured Es Raft on the plateau on Wednesday week, but a motinted. brigade watching the Jordan fordeat. Jist ed Damielt; to' the-weft of Et. Salt; wat'attacked-Und pushed back by a Turkish infantry' brigade. In the retreat through rough country the Horse Artillery had th abemden nine Wins. but .saved the nien and homes. The Turks, 'with strOng, reinforce- ments sent along the Damasens-Hedjaz Railway, repeatedly attached our men at ES Salt on Thursday' and Friday week, but Were repulsed with heavy biases. Lett Saturday Morning bur garrison was withdrawn and our troops reerossed the 'Jordan. leaving detachments' to' guard the fords. In five days General Allenby captured nine hundred and thirty-One prisoner* including' one officer and forty-two rank.arid-file from • the German division that had been sent to•stiffenthe Turkel. The Araba; further tenth', continue to -damage the Hedjaz