In the Hougeof Commons 'on Wednesday Mr. °Wynne aaked whit
actiOn th'e' Government proposed to take in the case of Captain Redmond, the Membet for Waterford, who .was present at -the meeting . of the Irish 'Parliamentary - Party held in 'Dublin on April 19th, when resolutions were passed unanimously adeofrating resistance to Conscription in Ireland. Mr. Boner Law admitted thatnince that meeting Captain Redmond had- taken up duties on the Horne Forces Staff. As regards the posiribilitY of any disciplin- ary Measures being taken- against Captain Retimond, Mr. Boner .Law replied : "I can give no inaVer that any action is being taken." The situation then- is that' the Government are taking disciplinary measures against Sir Frederick Maurice for publishing a letter which he, of course, honestly believed contained the truth, While no action is contemplated against an officer who has admit- tedly taken part in alsidvement to defeat an Act of ParliaMifit expressly passed for the better prosecution of the war. What are we to' say of such a contradiction and paradox ? Frankly; we think that no-Words could add an improvingeomitient to tlielatts, and we leave the facts as they Stand.