11 MAY 1918, Page 2

On the Western Front there has been a lull ghee'

the Eiii6tny suffered his severe defeat south of Ypres on April 29th.. The Germans opened a • heaary' bortsbardnie:nt on the seine -teeter,' from Locre. to Ypres, on -Sistaiday last, but the Allied guns replied' to nneh purpose that no infantry attack fells:46d. The Allies have 'spent the interval' in improving their line by 'small Icicid- advances both' in Fletridere and On' tlieSoninie. Last Sunday, for exisniple, British troops advanced the line on a conaiderible front tietWeen the Seniiiie -arid Ariere Rivers, near Morlimeourt, four a-tiles-860th Of Albert, and captured over two hundred. prisoners. The French last week serengthened 'their hold :on' the plateau befoie Amiens, near Hangard and also near Mailly-Raineval. On Wednesday two Gerstrazi • divisicais attacked' the" Allied lines between La Clyne- and Voornieteele,'Ssoutli of Ypre*-arid-gitiried-sceneground in the-centre: They were, hosSever,driVen out by 'cberitersattiteks laterin the day; . and sustained heavy casualties to no purpose. The airmen, thorigh hampered by' wet weather, Micro: good day on Fridaywyeelt, When thirty:bile 'efiethy ineiehinet *veer& destroyed and Only nine - of outs failed to retain. Oh -Theaday Our airineri destroyed 'eight eribilly naliehinet in a fight near-Dinial, 'Mid:fear -others elsewhere, Without. losing one of' their OM Two raids Were made' on Thionville; and' daily raids fferi niade on Zeebrugge.