11 MAY 1918, Page 2

The Adinitalty have announced the - eirtablishinent of 'a- freed' prohibited

area in the North Sea, and this area is-the most • gigantic minefield which the imagination has ever conceived:possible. Its base runs between Norway and Scotland, and the field.ends in this- Arctic Circle. It. may be aiked-WIY-"a Minefield of this kind, which ahribist tarns the-Worth Sea' into- a 'British lake,. Wit8 mat laid earlier. A large part of the answer, of ccitifse; ierthat wO liedneither the mint' nor the vestrels to .niaintain 'the minefield. Our mines are - not merely trawl MOre numerous than they were; also go Off; and.that could' notbe said of our handful of mines-afthe beginning. of the war. In an article in the Daily Telegraph Mr. Archibald Hurd hints 'that' Lord Jellietse had this minefield in. view When 'he' prisphesied that thesubniarine danger-would be defeated by August.