11 MAY 1918, Page 2

The Admiralty announced on Thursday that the British merchant shipping-completed

in April amounted to 111;633 tons, as compared with 161,674 tons in March. Lord Pirrie explained at-the same time that the disappointing reduction was due; first, to the fact that few ships were launched in January and 'February, and, secondly, to a Very great hiereate in the number of ships repaired after 'being damaged. Of the 1,8Ci0:000 tons of shipping whieh'the Adis-drafty has fixed as the reasonable and neeessarf of our yards this' year, the builders have produced-491;81S tons in four months. The 'Allied' and neirtrat yards turned out '544;327 tons Intb&thOrO months 'ending with 'Mira, .and may be eipetted•to do:better this .quarter ; but British shiplmilders, Who hare led th-euWeirld- for so

!cam, Mutt not relax their efforts Adinirtil • Sinial et-the- American Navy, said on Wednesday that within the next fortnight the increasing rate of new construction would overtake the declining rate of destruction by 'U '-boats. But we shall not be safe until we have replaced the millions of tons of ships that have been sunk, because with the American Army to transport and feed more ships than ever will be required to carry on the war.