Intellectuals .of England Geoffrey Carnal,. George Edinger The Uncertain Smile
of Australia Evan Williams, Robert Barnard The Alternative Vote Enid Lakeman Pulymurphs for Passengers Oliver St44rt
Anti-American Attitudes Nicolas Walter
Arguments for Testing Philip TO ynbee Why No'Translations? llsa Barea Celestial Infancies Rev. Quinfin Morris Taxi: Sir David Cairns Donkey for Dinner E. J. Kenney INTELLECTUALS OF ENGLAND
SIR,—Mr. Anthony Hartley criticises New Lett/ CND liberals for failing to grapple with 'the real problems of their time,' but it would have been helpful if be could have set a good example and done a bit, of grappling himself. It isn't cleat from his article whether he thinks war is one of the real problems, but if he does think it is, and that CND deals with it in the wrong sort of way, then he would be more persuasive if he were to publicise better ways. Why doesn't he take out a subscription to the Journal of Conflict Resolution and help to Popularise the work of the North American peace research movcinent? So far, this has attracted atten- tion mainly in supposedly anti-American Left-w:ng circles, but there is no reason why the Anthony Hartleys of this world should not join in—there is, at least, nothing controversial in the principle that the causes of war need as much systematic investi- gation as the causes of disease, of slumps and of broken homes. All that is needed is a conviction that there is a serious issue here, demanding hard work.
If Mr. Hartley does not share this conviction, well, that is just too bad. But he [oust not flatter himself with the thought that people 'flock to' CND merely because they feel empty or romantically rebellious, or because they want to be chic.
22 Duke Street, Edinburgh 1