Taste for heresy
Sir: I don't understand why Auberon Waugh gleefully writes of the Bishop of Durham: 'When a paid-up bishop gets in on the act the whole edifice crumbles' ('Another voice', 27 April). Why should this be more true of the Church of England
than the Church of Rome when the bril- liant and persuasive Hans Kung came out against the authority of the Papacy, or when a mad French Archbishop started raving about the Tridentine Mass against the wishes of Paul Montini?
In the Church of England it is possible to enjoy the contortions of the odd turbulent priest as long as he has entertaining views perfectly posited. For all his admiration of the 'rigours of the Counter-Reformation' Waugh reveals an alarming distaste for heresy and doubt.
Jane Kelly
35 Woodland Gardens, London N10