11 NOVEMBER 1854, Page 13

-Dm ---.POItITICIOJeAMPOIOAltedIr Oil ilar ;AtEKORLE,".:..:.,

itiffiI#mell*tendid"initlelk ilk beeoinestrissilized at 1"tiglfiftliemtefcit'~ipairrile ne iitittvtnith netlee lit user thatIdely and'eoastantlY mbve ' Sioni I" 'Tha''''gd*et''..-otiV Pktitietig;Whiett canitelympon it ' ' ' llietrittb. (!ihinplitheish,statesman: tx:?'.ltilj.q 1 Withlikiikhabi (hesitittelte give Alight le' VTOL* iii i3h8 simpleat of . pohti,

iif W iii ithtiveltifti "laud/Whore eiery : man

V*" peo eród Oithlte.d e1ieqtbt

' preslitilefilie he repielnted. =It itchild have

in " DoliS PhiiippErWho4ohtted with- pride '2fi dlitiiltr-fdrireageartonnd- his capital C."'fit" ,II2i6WeVe ‘.fit tenth'ulth ,g-h .t, is Ti FAY:WRITHE aeiT &JIM?" ,,I1011 PLI:',•0.1 ' Si . tfei liith '' liTtliel'aubileegiWifaidial tot ktirope-,have

I a illeillii"%tielbdror threqieo'Phi,--altliOugh!

ta —Valfrie tiee t"lailtsfen-laftir bbids.onet foolish godeilliiiii fuifittlireiitt'i ar1V.61.1rtiv Milt**, titatdaras by islliblit iliit. YlieTT&fete 'the POwettri iTlielicikit loP' thei.fortiff- eationitV ris liesblii- ure;!thgietlibr wilkthefettpentie of so mueli de tlfd 'Alin 118iide ii,ff tiii Tilikipe. reqiiirod, 'to Iteep- down his Vacti '. "ettple;'"' Until' Orel) 'entortieblielitsdAistria. ,hes ,„ineurral. her lti' ' ' 'il' ' --'eitpenffittire!l'ehiefli fee .the pttrpose of an- 'ilit 'stibjeete-14.1inegt!'-itavinmithuair-!sfid,4ecfnires to iii. f ti) CliePIlliti fiditithiiiiif fTritaiiitt: is:very !singtaar. With& rfs :iittiNtitItitift,WitlhaMragrktitInittil population 6f,-Vilreliis and a' t ..-nemorlditd,toroldrinlisiiii,thentAtik,i. a Ian haie led' telv, "isigtinittitiolil- hyi LIAM!, the -arnaY hid to 'a ititiXdinti OA it;.4aWilii Siritilitary'at(iiiivpossosses a tife e41 ' hich thefaitiftletkiiiiiitAllesffieef) '1Pealihgliiii4Inissidniay ited agentittfigjamtkleethf hirgiveratitibrizhi Affileswig: in, and thiLibtii-V,M4 jiiit;noW"he °Ile 1a that feeling ethe rid ' tintiPatby 'of thgBerliiters'Ab Russian: -despot!,

i 1- tiut'llitig derick William ' lindive that he cannot: reckon ft t siiiini; and* proof ist hiti' anxiety to 'emivinee them

_ t il Sh 0 oVerninetit. i's not ' abbut It& quinptcmuly -coeirdivo iSeatitik.ii" #g -- st'llii'llederittnent. He caiinet afford td letptheni think-Wet , deritlylfith;U•Kingliste-thee'lieartlollsibwihiinself Ingo i aq.-.11i'Ottif4Psdeh' tiff the Rialaeritui pia dould!api ' 4' uld-htiVe'theiiitkaliatippeitofliiin or rl mationilthe intelloctiffi ittb-'' ,616Sieliice ireepiaPiaii4fit Milt, y aupiiortatif a race ot 'flit! b Vdluitteartn:l'Hislitipirdink 'ehutvskohttif•recOgni4 tion 'alb.° 1 .1ilie'Liiirls4liiiiiipb; helteediiiihesit-,ao far as it is a trnis;..-bift he'hitilietillf iuini.stittlejfelsdlfastiolVwfzieli shows tliat' he .hittenot'prteclliy the. ertinipte! Of 'kW.' fanithi". whe' wits obliged. td i'Utire yean the7itilifiealtel:thiiettontAteetiusei he could not rise"Obifitrunlins and profeasioni to prabtfealtruth. We need net 'bank far 'for :iiii .;,oppositelillustratien and gauge. -thins havie arisen in our own eauntryibetWeerisibegovurned but on the whole, ohr "atatesinentevtime their . II:1 . to ' follOW: the "advido suStalliecthy the ' Mims' df public l■ lictItis Ountry. Weliave no diapiatett-reittaining amongst I1aVW bildegree. . AlPtlie popultir:•&trtaladtetireiniore or less Uri all sides, and afein progresisetiaiishietion.- The war i Ifser,was *it publicly dee - . by thelYetiple:J.Wtati 'is the re:- ' '„..0" That the'GqvernMe ten eetuntattiontlic pld. - If ties ireint -Ufa Iiieniiiir;itliSf'azt g'i,de eltierfully 41 if men are Wade 'ffititi, nat-fdt'Werdilifitinie to turn toind,,Zeferring other Vfils" „II 'IA graiitekliiidufftheVnieasures .stand over. We have d'itiiii ' p -tediiftiFierdier-nrpeipi,London tit a IVIMmilieiter. -If we ' fifoil s'l•F - ' ,l'ot'itliej-Three Kingiletis; 'oi; Oar Cole,

ibe idlY till tit8-tiheip:• If omiliNVernment were

1 'b lig - leproclainilitirthe 'want would ifit i refftlitaatkinadl pertionithy, and

mare insf-14'efioin(witryienVintrY.in Europe, '

she *Sala' Yehriound -13y ofi a, " - theymight be tdestroye'd berth* theliem: of heeltObb.-tilionldhe 'touched. This 1.4 ' - ' '4th—the . strenkth obtained, .h.3- la,g4Verninent whiehirelies ; • -.0,46.61,. ! ;TCE J0=1 ,A, 311- ‘: lhite separate-1*aq iftieStitinef pliosillytittaL' 'Ques- 1 : pt' -settled. on-ablita*t 'inindi, tir try!ilitbatibkiri!far another. o 'Popular righfaiffiPpiphilla'r instituleithistitoIistinet, and "Yr. tb.t hat dealing wittiuthff initieittldr litnseilmeerdi "justice " to 'are, conidilitig'Only 411i cingittiotf et dyianiics—re- 1' ' d'-'ffi'dbl'artis'*"ffiaterittl hiulfettie; aibtriliks ivnilable for &vein than Iditlibite Whe't e4lett iiiieitittaifgoierninents. ' atitical iletititinWhy Ailetria "shoiddiiiiothe as much• Iii 'NUrtlibila 'lady 'aS SardinitviSt;' Idshomgh. recently ,34hit'ffied the,' Atrength tif'; the! great! empire. Ion " Vied irtitetill"Ilengariaith Should' not re- he"pitairiledffitiy intik to their "King," The Irtith'ilecenteit Ipriietiettlik important when dust thYforeighe !the ettingthhitherto fully tilt On&- Miffithe hint :'ebtik/rby flans-be-4 sdleogentlyil-

edifi" liShiStatesinen; istrengthenalso 'amply by the experi "of t einialtittid the IlOtigthirelisnife of the day. ' be 'V In d• '

e ifte'