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Tax QUEEN, with the Prince Consort, paid a visit to London on Satur- day morning, and returned to Windsor at five o'clock.
The Queen and Prince Albert stood as sponsors, on Tuesday, at the christening of the infant daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable Arthur Gordon.
On the same day, the Baron de Hochschild had an audience, and pre- sented his credentials as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary from the Court of Sweden.
, The garrison of Windsor paraded in the Home Park on Thursday, the birthday of the Prince of Wales. The Queen, her husband, and the c,hildren, viewed the show from the East terrace.
Among the guests at her Majesty's table, have been the Earl of Aber- deen, the Swedish Minister, the Honourable Arthur Gordon, and the Earl of Clarendon.