The crisis in Austria cannot be said to have ended,
though Count Andrassy, Premier in Hungary, has consented to accept the seals of the Foreign Office, and although Baron Kellersperg has succeeded in forming a ministry for the Cis-Leithan States. This statesman, who was for many years Governor of Bohemia, was known there as a moderator between the factious, and will not, it is supposed, pursue an extreme course. The latest rumour is that the Emperor is dissatisfied with his new advisers, and greatly pressed by the Ultramontane nobles and members of his family, all of whom are more or less Federalist, not for the sake of justice to the Sclav races, but in the hope of re-establishing the Concordat. The only foundation for this rumour, however, seems to be the dismissal of Count Beust, which can hardly be explained except as a concession to Ultramontane dislike. The Count was a Pro- testant, and though not active in religious affairs, was warmly opposed to the. Concordat.