The Metropolitan Board of Works wants to borrow two millions
to effect some improvements in the way of widening thorough- fares and opening one new one from the West End to Shorediteb. The policy of borrowing money for these improvements is, we be- lieve, wise, as they cannot be effected out of revenue ; but we should much prefer to see a really great and thorough system adopted, both of improvement and of raising revenue, a system which could go on steadily for years, and which should include a complete plan for smoke drainage. London could pay another million a year easily, if we could only get at the revenue in a proper way,
and that represents £33,000,000, quite enough for this generation. Suppose we put 8d. a. cwt. on salt, extend the coal and wino dues to all liquors, beer included, and put 2d. on the rates. If the -double system of taxation is good for the Empire, it is so also for the City.