The New York Ring is smashed for the moment. The
Germane seem to have joined their old friends the Republicans—whom they quitted because the party objected to beersaloons and "pretty waiter girls "—and the Democratic majority of 30,000 has been changed into a Republican majority of the same number. About 14,000' Democrats must have broken with the party to vote for the Eighth. Commandment. The entire Ring is rejected, with the exception. of Mr. Tweed, who has been elected State Senator. Oddly enough, on the day this telegram arrived, we received also New York papers announcing that Tweed had been arrested for theft to an enormous amount ; that the proofs looked conclusive ; and that he had been held to bail in one million dollars. He is said " not to have liked arrest as well as he thought he should ;" but his party obviously did not mind. The New Yorkers have now to consoli date their victory by vesting the appointment of the Judges in the State, making them irremovable, and giving them £10,000 a year each. Till the Bench is pure nothing goes right, and it will not be- pure as long as it is either elective or poverty. stricken.