11 NOVEMBER 1871, Page 3

A telegram received on Monday announces a singularly dramatic event.

It appears that the whales have discovered that the pur- suit of the whalers is too hot, and they have retreated into the Arctic ocean, and even, it has been recently reported, into the Polar Sea. The Americans have followed them through Behring's Straits, and last summer thirty-nine vessels were collected in the Arctic Ocean, and killed many whales. In September, however, the ice drifted from the north-west, pushed the fleet on to shoals, crushed four, and compelled the crews of the remainder to take refuge in six vessels, which arrived safely at Honolulu about the 20th October. Thirty-three vessels are gone, and with them £300,000, the property of a very limited, hardy, and adventurous population on the Eastern coast.