Her Majesty's Government, after quite a series of Cabinet Councils,
have selected Lord Salisbury as the special representa- tive of this country at the Conference, and the selection has been most warmly received by the public, no one opposing except the Pall Mall Gazette, which is dejected by the reflection that the Marquis is a religious man. The appointment is probably the -very best which it was open to the Government to make. Lord -Salisbury is a man whose weight diplomatists will feel, and who will be able to exercise that pressure which a strong personality .can exert even in a Committee every member of which is fettered by instructions from home. As Secretary of State for India he is familiar with many modes of managing native States, especially under sequestration, and as a Cabinet Minister he knows to what views the majority of his colleagues can be brought to assent. He is a strange representative of Lord Beaconsfield, but in this Government, more than in most which have preceded it, powerests rather with Mr. Bagehot's " governing Committee of Parliament" than with any individual.