[To the Editor of the SpEcr.vron.1 Sig,—Would you permit a Dane who knows and admires England and the English to write a line on a very important topic ? I have always found that Danes and English have been able to understand each other well—why shouldn't we, being two closely related nations ? Englishmen who have been in Denmark have seen and appreciated the way in which Denmark tries to produce the very best farm products for the English market. I realize the importance to British people of the development of the British Empire, but I would urge that careful consideration be given to the results which must follow upon the complete neglect both of foreign markets and of foreign products which do not directly compete with your Imperial producers.
The recent British Exhibition in Denmark was a symbol of our good will and, incidentally, an indication to the British manufacturers of our ability and desire to purchase your goods, and has been a very great success. We export large quantities of dairy produce to your country ; it constitutes, indeed, one of our principal media of exchange. It has often been said that we are ousting your own Dominions from your market. Is this not a little misleading ? Your Dominions cannot yet supply all your demands, and we would be the first to recognize the stupidity of attempting to sell our butter, bacon and so on if Australia and Canada respectively can supply your needs.
Until that time conies look upon us merely as complemen- tary producers with whom it is not a disadvantage to trade. Those supplies from the Dominions will increase and we of Denmark will not grumble ; for we are not, as many seem to think, economic enemies of the British Empire. Far from it. We want to be friends and to establish a basis of eo-operation which may be fruitful and beneficial to us all without en- croaching unduly upon each other's patience and preserves. -
I am, Sir, &c., II. liosEN KRANTZ. Sophiendel, SI.andersborg, Denmark.