In the Garden A gardener, proud of his skill in
successional growths, has two rows of peas that flowered too late to bear fruit. He has cut them down and confidently expects that they will produce earliest possible Peas next year. If well protected by cloches or other covering of, say, bracken, they may justify his optimism if the winter is not excessive. Fruit, which was plentiful this year, is like this year's honey in one undesirable regard: it is not keeping well. But apples from different soils differ in keeping quality, and it seems to be as good as proved that much manuring, at any rate with nitrogen, diminishes keeping quality. A recent American claim is that the best treatment for fruit trees is a mulch of stones I The corroborative detail is surprisingly persuasive. It is, of course, 3 general belief among English farmers that the best fields are the stoniest.
The stones prevent the escape of moisture. W. BEACH THOMAS.