Things are back to normal in most of the tripper and tourist haunts, and up the valley at B. the trees are shedding their leaves in a carpet that covers roads that could hardly be seen in the summer months for the passing of cars and streamlined motor-coaches. It is now that the beauty of such places can be enjoyed, and perhaps B. earns its reputation more when the tripper is absent than when he is rubbing shoulders with sightseers from Bagshot, Birm- ingham or Billingsgate. No trippers file along the path to see the waterfall, and the glen is deserted. The river froths and tugs at a half- submerged tree that came down in a flood, but no one stands and stares, for this is the secluded, private life of the river and the valley at this time of year, when a fresh breeze blows and there is not even the faintest odour of exhaust fumes drifting down from the road. Such peace and beauty could be advertised with a slogan, 'See it when the crowd has gone,' but for the obvious danger that then there would be no time of the year when things revert to normal.