11 NOVEMBER 1960, Page 14


SIR,—I was very grateful to Mr. Humber Gascoignc for his suggestion, in his notice of Mr. Jack Ronder's worth-while and beautifully acted play. that the central character of The Wrong Side of the Park should have had psychiatric treatment long before the play opened. I think that many dramatists will find this a helpful and labour-saving idea. if only Lady Macbeth. Hedda Gabler and Blanche Dubois had had deep analysis or a few electric shocks, if Jimmy Porter had had a bit of child guidance or the central character in The Caretaker a little after-care their authors might have been saved much complex work. Indeed all these tiresome people might have emerged as bright and cheerful as the characters in Salad Days, and then the only persons in need of electric shocks would he in the audience.—Yours faithfully,