Blair’s war crimes
From J.G. Cluff
Sir: I expect that I am not the only Spectator reader to have become exasperated by your consistent support for the Bush/Blair axis of incompetence in Iraq and Afghanistan. Is it not time for you to detach yourself from it?
I have been reading Gavin Stamp’s new book The Memorial to the Missing of the Somme and constantly intruding in my thoughts as I read the terrible story of that battle are the disturbing features of Mr Blair. We are now told that over 600,000 people have died in Iraq. Blair’s contempt for casualties and public opinion echoes that of the first world war politicians and generals. Apparently Mr Blair is now preoccupied with his place in history. One place he should assuredly occupy is the same dock in The Hague to which he committed Milosevic.
Algy Cluff London SW1