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The Lord Chancellor arrived at Portsmouth, on Monday evening ; on Tuesday morning visited the Isle of Wight; and returned again in the evening. On Wednesday morning, be visited the Mechanics Institution ; where he delivered a very animating and eloquent address, pointing to the general utility and usefulness of such excellent institu- tions. He afterwards proceeded to the theatre of the Philosophical Society ; where he was received by the President and officers, who paid every possible attention to his Lordship; which he gracefully acknow- ledged. He then visited his Majesty's ship Victory; and on leaving her was saluted with fifteen guns. A short time after, he proceeded on his tour to the residence of the Earl of Radnor, near Salisbury.— Tree Sun.
The Newcastle Journal contains an animated report of a public dinner given to Mr. Alderman Thompson by his constituents in Sunderland on Tuesday week, and of the entertainment supplied by him to the electors on the previous day. Both affairs went off with the greatest dot, and the speeches of the honourable Member gave every satisfac- tion.— Standard.
Sir Hedworth Williamson, it is reported, is about to resign his seat in Parliament as Representative of North Durham. Ill health is the reason assigned for this step.
A public meeting was held in Newcastle on Monday, at which about 500/. was subscribed towards erecting a monument in honour of Earl Grey. Mr. Beaumont has offered to give 1001. towards it. The Marquis of Chandos dined with the Buckinghamshire farmers, at the ordinary at the George Inn, Aylesbury, on Saturday week. There was a good deal of speechifying on the distressed state of the agricultural interest, and the necessity of exertion on the part of land- lords and tenants, to obtain relief from the Government. The Marquis !specially recommended strenuous efforts to effect the repeal of the Malt-tax next session.
A story a'.out the "disfranchisement of Lord Althorp, under the Reform Act," is going the round of the papers. Lord Althorp, it is raid, entered his claim to vote for Northamptonshire in the name of " Viscount Althorp," instead of "John Charles Spencer," his Christian lime; and the Revising Barrister would not admit it,. in consequence of die informality. ,,Mr. Knox, the Revising Barrister for the Eastern Division of WY, asked an Overseer at Honey, the other day, what he under- stood by the term "rent-charge ?" The Overseer answered, "that the gentleman was charged with the payment of a rent of 501. a year or