Last week, the Churchwardens of Rochdale were employed col- le!tIng
a church-rate of twopence-halfpenny in the pound, which, it is laid, has been granted them by the Ecclesiastical Court of Chester. 4 number of the Dissenters have refused to pay, and several of them have consequently been summoned before the Magistrates. On Wed- nesday week, a public meeting of Dissenters was hsld in the school- room under the Baptist Chapel. The room Was filled almost to suf- focation. Mr. James Gibson was Chairman ; and a number of resolutions in opposition to the new rate were unanimously passed. It was also resolved to oppose all proceedings taken against them for the recovery of the same.
At a Court-martial lately held on board the President, at Ports- mouth, Lieutenant H. L. Maw, of that ship, was sentenced to be dis- missed the service, in consequence of some smugglers having escaped while he had charge of the watch. The inquiry was held at his own request.
A Derbyshire brute sold his wife on Saturday week, in Nottingham market, for 2s. 6d.
The Dublin mail packet, Thetis, caught fire on Tuesday morning, while lying in the Mersey, opposite Tranmere. It is not certainly known how the fire originated, but it is supposed from the caboose. Se- veral vessels with engines on board came to the assistance of the crew; and the Richmond, a Post-office tender, towed her to Woodside, where she was run ashore. Soon afterwards, the magazine, in which there was a barrel of gunpowder, took fire, and the gunpowder exploded with so much violence as to rock the buildings on the river-side, like an earth- quake. The side-timbers of the vessel were forced out, and, with the windows, were scattered in all directions ; but no one was seriously in- jured. The main-mast rolled overboard, and there was nothing left but to scuttle and sink the vessel; which was soon done. The Thetis cost 17,000/. ; and was hired, not owned, by the Post-office. It is stated that a short time after the fire was discovered, the steward called for assistance to the Captain of a Tranmere packet, who was passing ; but he cursed the steward, and refused to help him. About 700/. worth of plate was in the cabin when the explosion occurred : it is all lost.