The office of Solicitor-General, which was offered to Mr. BICKER. STETH, but which that gentleman refused, will, it is said, be conferred on Mr. ROLFE. We do not know whether the wishes of the Lord Chancellor have been consulted as to the disposal of this office, but it is believed that his Lordship was very much offended by the promotion of Sir CHARLES PEPYS to the Rolls, in preference to Sir Joes CAMPBELL. It has been said that Lord MELBOURNE made the appoint- ment without even speaking to the Chancellor on the subject. .Froth this it would seem, that Lord BROUGHAM'S influence in the highest quarters is not so potent as he would have it believed. It is somewhat singular also, that his name has not appeared among the list of miters to the King at Windsor since his return from the North. The Court of Chancery is not sitting ; and he has found time to take at least onejour: ney to Brighton ; and, after visiting Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight,u low at Lord RADNOR'S, near Salisbury : but, since the retirement of Earl Grey, we have never heard of his going further than Putney Bridge, on the Windsor Road. His Majesty, we suppose, bad quite eneelei of the Chancellor's adventures, his " moving accidents by flood and fell "—quite enough of his blarney about Scottish loyalty, and the manner in which it was exhibited—in those epistolary despatches shich he received by post from the keeper of his conscience.