The perpetrator of the murder of Mr. Rens, at Stow
on the Wold, which was mentioned some weeks ago in the Spectator, hasheen detec- ted; and has subsequently.confessed his crime. His name is Edward Jeaffrey, and he was in the employ of a butcher at Stow. The circum- stance that led to his detection is rather singular : a watchmaker recog- nized the inside of a gold repeater, which was brought to him to be repaired, as one that had belonged to Mr. Rena; and it was traced to Jeaffrey; who confessed that he was so much tempted by the desire of possessing the watch and seals, that he killed Mr. Rena to obtain them. He said that he knocked him down with a large stick; and having robbed him, after a little while went to the stable for alantern, with which he lighted the men who bore the body of the murdered man home. He then west to his own house, ate his supper, Sand slept as usual. lie is not more than twenty years of age.