The Revenue Accounts were made up last night. They present
a decrease on the quarter, as compared with the corresponding one of last year, of 330,064/. The decrease on the Excise is 846,5241.; on the Stamps, 22.7181.; on the Taxes, 143,4151.; on the Post-office, 50001.; Miscellaneous, 2682!.: but then there is a large increase in the Cus- toms, of 678,0511., as a set-off against these deficiencies. The result for the year exhibits an increase of 313,448/. as compared with the pre. foils one : this arises principally from the Customs, in which the increase is 985,2541.; the Taxes also show an increase of 102,355/. The decrease for the year is on the Excise, 596,6091.; on the Stamps, '24985/. ; on the Post-office, 38,0001.; on the Miscellaneous, 19,2981. This account scarcely requires comment. The result is quite as favourable as the large reductions in taxation warranted us to expect. It will soon be apparent from the receipts under the head of Taxes, that the effect of the House-tax Repeal is not yet sensibly felt.