11 OCTOBER 1856, Page 9



The anticipation that the Bank would continue to take active measures to cheek the drain of specie has been realised this week. At an early meet- ing on 'Monday, the discount was advanced from 5 to 6 per cent upon short bills, and to 7 per cent for bills over sixty days. The inadequacy of the previous rate compared with the charges on the Continent had greatly in- creased the exportation of gold the sum withdrawn from the 'dank on Satfirday having amounted to nearly 150,0001. Prior to the alteration, information was received on Monday that the Bank of France would refuse all bills of long date, and would limit ad- vances on Stock to 40 per cent of the amount. As it is under- stood that by the terms of their charter the Bank of France cannot raise their rate of discount above 6 per cent, there has been much dis- cussion in our market upon what further restriction will be observed by them, and particularly on the possibility of a suspension of specie payments. If the more favourable accounts from Germany and China have an effect, and the high rate of discoffid check importations, the latter course will doubtless be dispensed with. The effect of the new measure adopted by the Bank of England has already proved salutary : there have been less amounts withdrawn from that establishment ; the pressure for money is subsiding ; and the foreign exchanges have exhibited a general improve- ment.

The fluctuations in the English Funds have been incessant. Sales were freely pressed during the first part of the week, connected with the uncer- tainty of the financial movements here and on the Continent, and with the settlement of the Consol Account, arranged on Wednesday. On Tuesday, Consols were done at 902, 2 per cent lower than last week : higher prices have ruled since, as the public have been buying largely, it being con- sidered that the present crisis would be only temporary, and that should there be a suspension of specie payments in France it would cause a reflux of gold to this side. Yesterday, Consols closed at 911 : today the range has been from 91f to 91a; leaving off at 914 4, and 92 for the Account. Exchequer Bills have declined 3s. during the week.

The French Funds have been only moderately agitated this week, and latterly they have been inclined to rally.

The Cont-market has advanced Is. to 28. Specie has been received from New York amounting to 341,000/. The Australian arrivals are still de- layed. The payment of the dividends next week will afford no relief to the Money-market, as considerable advances will then have to be repaid to the Bank of England. The average amount of bullion in both departments of the Bank of England for the month ending 30th August was 12,443,358/. ; an increase of 60,668/. compared with the preceding month, but a decrease of,3,275,986/. compared with the same time last year.

Foreign Securities have been changeable : the operations have been chiefly based upon the movements in Consols. The principal feature has been a fall in Turkish Six per Cents, owing to a report of a new loan - they have declined 4f, and the Four per Cents 1. Peruvian has also receded 1, and Mexican and Spanish f.

The alteration in the Bank rate of discount on Monday caused a fall of 1/. to 24 in Railway Stocks : they have been since rather more settled, but the following depreciation is still shown compared with last week—Great North- ern, and London and South-Western, 1/. 103. ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 11. dt.; East Lancashire, London, Brighton, and South Coast, and South- Eastern, 14. Midland 158. ; Great Western, and London and North-Western, 108. French Shares have declined to the following extent—Paris and I!yons, and Paris and Orleans, 11. ; Eastern of France, and Western and North-Western of France, 158. ; Great Central of France, and Northern of France, 58.

SATURDAY, and &pima. The English Funds are a little firmer this morning, and Consols for Ac- count are higher, notwithstanding the large decrease in the bullion re- turn by the Bank of England—namely, 985,1151. Consols for Money are 914 a and for Account 921 4. Exchequer Bills 4 8 premium. The monthly return of the Bank of France, which had been anxiously awaited, ex- hibits a further reduction of 2,770,0001. in the stock of specie ; which now stands at 6,650,0001. A sum of 25,0001. has been spent during the month in purchasing gold at a loss. Notwithstanding this unfavourable report, there was a further recovery of I- yesterday in the French Funds ; during the last two days the drain on the Bank of France has partly sub- sided. In Foreign Stocks, Austrian is 1 better. Railways have slightly improved—Caledonian, 534; Midland, 751 ; North British, 351; South Wales, 77.


The English Funds have improved 4 since the morning, through nume- rous purchases. Consols for Money leave off at 92 4, and for Account 921 f. Exchequer Bills 4 8 premium. In Foreign Stocks, there has been a rise of 11 in Turkish 6 per Cents, and f in the Four per Cents. Buenos Ayres has been done at 80.

In Railways there have been inquiries for Stock, and advanced rates have been given—Caledonian, 541 ; Eastern Counties, 9 ; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 301 ; Great Western, 631; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 103f ; London and North-Western, 101; London and South-Western, 1021 ; Midland, 75}; North British, 354; North-Eastern--Berwick, 792 ; South Wales, 77 ; East Indian, 222 ; Great Indian Peninsula, 21; Great Western of Canada, 22 ,- Madras Guaranteed 44 per Cent, 191 ; Paris and Lyons, 50. Mines—Brazilian Imperial Cocaes and Cuiaba, 3f ; United Mexican, 3i. Joint Stock Banks—Provincial of Ireland, 65 ; Western Bank of London, 43. Miscellaneous—Canada Government 6 per Cent January and July, 112 ; General Screw Steam Shipping Company, 121 ; London General Omnibus Company, 31; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 69.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Austrian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents

Ch' an 6 per Cents

Danish 5 per Cents

Ditto 3 per Cents


9 a 90, 11 911 f 21 3 2111 131 4 8 pm. 225 30 86 9

99 101 ex d.

96 8 102 4 ex d.

102 4

83 5 ex d.

Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents

Mexican 3 per Cents

Peruvian 41 per Cents

Ditto 3,per Cents

Portuguese 4 per Cents Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 41 per Cents

Spanish 3 per Cents

Ditto Deferred

Sardinian S per Cents

Swedish 4 per Cents Turkish 6 per Cents 934

Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed.

64 6 95 7 ez d.

211 2 76 8

54 6 ex d. 48 9 106 8 96 8 411 21 24 89 4 91 85 8 if ez d. 100 4

BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 4th day of Oct. 1856. ISSUE DEPLITIILEXT.

Notes issued 324,701,745 Government Debt 311,015,100 Other Securities 3,459,9014 Geld Coin and Bullion 10,125,745 Silver Bullion 224,701,746 5451150 Proprietors' Capital 314,253,000

Rest. 3,785,488

Public Deposits. 7,769,499 Other Deposits 10,323,553

Seven Days and other Bills 958,303

237,379,844 337,379,844

• Including gzekequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct..

The Mercantile Bank of India, London, knd China, has declared, at Bom- bay, a dividend at the rate of 8 per cent per annum for the half-year ending June. There are peculiarities in the deed of settlement of this bank—it is required " that one of the auditors shall be a person selected by the share- holders at the annual meeting, and not a shareholder • and that a certifi- cate of the availability of all securities for loans, &c. ;hall be certified by the bank's solicitors."

The Royal Mail Steam Company propose to establish a steam line between Panama and Sydney. A new capital of 400,0001., partly raised by shares and partly on debentures, would be required to carry out the project. The departures from England be so arranged as to fall between the mail departures for Australia by the Eastern route.

The Australian Land and Emigration Company, with a commencing capital of 100,0001., propose to purchase fertile tracts of land on the Clarence river, in Australia, and let them out in small portions to selected emigrants, Germans and others. The promoters of the company have been engaged inssending out many thousand. German emigrants, part to the Clarence river district, who will ere long be free from their contracts as labourers, and who are expected to become settlers on their own account. It now appears that the proposed Russian railways have not been defini- tively conceded to the Paris Credit Mobilier and its friends.

CRYSTAI, PALACE.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday October 10, including season-ticket-holders, 14,195.

324,701,743 DEP/RTMENT.

Government Securities (inclu-

ding Dead Weight Annuity) £11,464,273

Other Securities 21,582,464 Notes 3,775,590 Gold and Silver Coin 657,512