ire THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.') beg to call your attention to what I believe to be an error in your valuable paper. In your article on "A Plaiscite about Preachers," you mention the first five as being,—Canon Liddon, C. H. Spurgeon, Joseph Parker, Alexander Maclaren, and Archdeacon Farrar. You then remark, "Three out of the five are Anglican clergymen, one a Nonconformist Minister and one a layman." Which are the three Anglican clergymen ? As I believe Messrs. Spurgeon and Maclaren to be both Baptists, and Dr. Parker an Independent, leaving only two Anglican. You are, however, correct in your division of the nine when you say "Five are Anglican, two Independents, and two Baptists." I trust you will pardon me for thus taking up your valuable space, as I was anxious to point out a seeming error in your usually very accurate paper.—I am, Sir, &c.,