The Folks of Fernieigh. By Emily Foster. (Brook and Chrystal,
Manchester; Simpkin and Marshall, London.)—We found this "country chronicle" somewhat tedious. The love-affairs of a number of young men and women, interesting doubtless to the persons concerned, are not made so to the reader by Miss Foster's method of narrating. Even the "Lord of Burleigh" incident, with which she seeks to rouse our feelings, somehow fails of its effect. We must quote the passage in which the disguised noble- man reveals himself :—" You refuse,' continued Mr. Francis, addressing the lady [the "chosen mother-in-law," one may say], more particularly, you refuse to accept as a son-in-law the obscure and humble Vivian Francis—will you,' and he drew him- self up to his full height, and looked fixedly at Mrs. Stanley, will you refuse to give your daughter to Francis Vivian Errington, Earl of Mount Cherrington ? ' " After all, poor Mrs. Stanley was not so very wrong. It was not unreasonable to object to a young gentleman who drops into a country town from nobody knows where.