11 OCTOBER 1902, Page 1


The French Government has signed a Treaty with that of Siam which appears at first sight to be much to her advan- tage, but which is not, we think, altogether unreasonable. tnr°8411Y speaking, France withdraws her troops from Chenta- m; where they were a menace to Bangkok, and ceases to

claim two disputed provinces, but receives in return two provinces, Bassak and Meluprey, and the control of fisheries and trade on the Mekong River and in the Mekong Valley. The independence of Siam is again guaranteed ; and though Siam promises to employ Frenchmen as freely as Belgians or Japanese, she is not bound to employ either. The French consider that Indo-China is enlarged and enriched, but the Siamese do not consider themselves seriously injured, and English interests are certainly in no way endangered. The Mekong Valley is not ours, and if we ever have to fight France for Siam, which heaven forefend, we can do it just as well under the new Treaty as before it was signed. It is no business of ours to prevent either French prosperity or French self-satisfaction.