11 OCTOBER 1913, Page 16


five years ago an influential committee was formed for the purpose of inaugurating a memorial to Charles Lamb, the essayist and author, who lived and died in Edmonton, and lies buried in our churchyard. The committee decided that the memorial should take the form of a Public Hall and Institute in Edmonton, open to all. The estimated outlay was Z7,500. Of this amount upwards of £5,000 has been raised. The building has been erected and is in full working order. May I now appeal to your readers to contribute the balance of £2,000 still required to complete the scheme? I feel sure that many who cherish the writings of Charles Lamb will be ready to help in establishing this most fitting institution to his memory.

Cheques and postal orders may be sent to me at the under- noted address, and will be duly acknowledged. Thanking you for allowing me to use your columns, I am, Sir, he.,

ERNEST A. B. SANDERS, Edmonton Vicarage, Middlesex. Vicar of Edmonton and

Prebendary of St. Paul's.