The Spectator Parliamentarian of the Year Awards
Nominations continue to roll in for the inaugural Spectator’s Readers’ Representative. This week saw several MPs nominated for their campaigning work.
Richard Hamilton proposes Nadine Dorries. Hamilton commends Dorries for addressing the issue of term limits for abortion with a ‘tenaciousness and passion that caught the public’s attention in a remarkable way’. He applauds her for explaining how the 1967 legislation has resulted, against the intent of the original act, in half a million abortions being carried out each year and for her courage in carrying on in the face of hostility from her opponents.
Iain Duncan Smith is nominated by Adrian Fry. Fry writes, ‘I don’t understand the current economic woes any better than most of our politicians do, but I do live in a “real world” already blighted by drugs, worklessness and family breakdown. Iain Duncan Smith has been the only politician listening and speaking out on these issues and I’d like this award to aid his cause.’ Others singled out include David Davis for his stand in resigning his seat to fight a by-election on the issue of 42 days and Andrew Lansley for his work in trying to improve care for stroke victims. There is, though, still plenty of time for you to make your nomination.
All you have to do to put someone forward for the award is go to www. and in no more than 250 words nominate your choice. Terms and conditions can be found on the website. Closing date for entries is Monday 27 October 2008, 5 p.m.