A wretched man killed himself today, and caused the death
of three others-at the same time. The crews of two steamers were amusing themselves in a public-house at Bankside ; and with them was Robert Clarkson, a man who is said to have had an independent income of about 2,0001. a year : he was in the habit of spending his time on board the steamers, it is said, for the benefit of his health. He was very low- spirited, and he asked one of the party to tell a woman at Ipswich that she would "never see Robert more." Afterwards he procured some laudanum and drank it ; but his companions gave him emetics and brandy to counteract it. Ruturning with three others in a small boat to one of the steamers, he suddenly rose up and jumped overboard : the three men all leant over at the side ; the boat capsized, and all perished.