This has hitherto been a very quiet week ; and if we took the events of each day and analyzed them, both as regards news and fluctuations in the Stock- markets, we should find little on which to form a remark. It has been ascer- tained that the payments on the 4th of this month passed off well, notwith- standing the demand for money throughout the week : it still continues in request at 5 per cent. Rio Janeiro papers of the 8th July were received on Monday : being only one day later than those which previously came to hand, they communicate nothing of interest. The exchange upon London was 311, and the local Stock 71 ex-dividend. The accounts from Liverpool of Monday's date allude to the temporary check which business had received through the late failures; but great hopes were entertained that the amount of liabilities and consequent failures in connexion with the cotton-trade would not prove so disastrous as was first anticipated. The market for that article was, however, dull, and continued so up to the latest accounts. The Foreign exchanges on Tuesday were lower, particularly with respect to the rates upon Hamburg and Amsterdam, van which there was an increased demand for bills. The advices from the country with regard to the harvest are very cheering : as they report, fears should no longer be entertained for the safety of the corn, for it is now for the most part well housed and free from danger. There is, however, some little anxiety felt for the state of the crops in the North, but which a few days' fine weather would soon dispel. The English Funds have been steady throughout the week. Consols left off on Wednesday at 891 4 for Money; but with that exception, they have been quoted on each day at 891 4, and 891 90 for the Account. Exchequer Bills shave been heavy, and have declined about 3s. since the close of last week, owing to the pressure for money before referred to ; being now Ils. to 13s. In Foreign Stocks, Spanish has declined about 1 per cent. during the present week. On Monday, the prices came 14 per cent. higher from Paris. Here they first advance to 221, which was 1 per cent. better than the closing quota- tion of Saturday ; but almost immediately afterwards, declined to 22, sellers, in consequence of heavy realizing by parties who had bought some days before at the low prices, and who imagined that as the advance from Paris received that morning was in answer to our highest price last week of 23, that they could hardly expect any further improvement from that quarter at present, particularly as our prices had gone over lower from time to time, since that period : and in this it appears they took a clear view. They left off here on Monday at 221 1. On Tuesday, they had been 22, sellers; but left off 22/. On Wednesday, a decline of 4 per cent. from Paris occasioned a fall here, to 214 4; at which they closed. Yesterday, the accounts from the Bourse were 1 lower; but the Stock left off a shade better, viz. 211 2. The Share-market has been very flat during the week. London and Birmingham have declined about 11.10s. per Share ; Great Western and London and South Western each 1/. ; Brighton and Blackwell Shares are both about 11.55. lower. This fall, has been occasioned chiefly by the accounts from Li- verpool of the state of the cotton-market; which the Lancashire :stock-brokers tell you always guide their operations, in the same way as the well-known fact that a fall in Consols would affect nearly all the securities dealt in on our London Exchange. Another reason given for a decline in Shares is, that some of the principal Railway Companies have lately paid their dividends, and a particular class called dividend-hunters who have been buying for that event have been since selling. This is frequently the case.
The fine weather which we bad throughout the day has caused a favourable impression this afternoon on all the English Funds ; which leave off from 1 to
better, generally. Consols for Money have advanced to 891 4 ; ditto for Account, 90 ; New Three-and-a-half per Cents., 981 4; Exchequer Bills, Ils. 13s. In the Foreign Market, Spanish is heavy, leaving off at 21a i; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents., 514 2; ditto Five per Cents., 102 1; Por- tuguese, 30 ; ditto Three per Cents., 18 1 ; Colombian, 204 1 ; Mexican, 254 1. The Share-market is rather firmer: London and Birmingham, 67 69 ; Great Western, 121131 ; ditto Half Shares, 4 1; ditto Fifth Shares, 31 1; London and South Western, 50 1 ; London and Brighton, 4 34 discount ; Blackwell, 101 11 per Share. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. The English Funds continue firm, with a tendency to advance. Consols for Money, 891 4 ; ditto for the Account, 901, buyers ; New Three-and-a-half per Cents., 984 4. In Exchequer Bills, however, there are no symptoms of improvement ; being heavy at Ils. to 13s. India Stock, 246 to 247. In the Foreign Stocks, Spanish is still on the decline. A further fall of s per cent., received from Paris this morning, made them here at one time 211 a; but they are now quoted 214 4. Portuguse Five per Cents., 301; Belgian, 102 103; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents., 514 2; ditto Five per Cents., 1021 4 ; Colombian, 204 1; Mexican, 254 1 : the latter prices are quite nominal, with no business doing. SATURDAY. FOUR ()Two:.
The English Stocks have been firm np to the close of business. Consols for Money have advanced 4, bein,g 894 1; whilst for the Account the price re- mains unaltered at 90/ 1. New Three-and-a-half per Cents. are 4 higher; and Exchequer Bills have improved ls., being now 12s. to 148. In Foreign Stocks, Spanish leaves off 211 4; Portuguese SO 1 ; Colombian, 204 1 ; Mexican, 254 1; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents. 514 2 ; ditto Five per Cents. 1021 4. In Shares, Great Western have advanced this afternoon 11., being quoted 134 14/ premium ; London and Birmingham, 67 69 premium; South IVestern, 50 1; Blackwall, 101 11 per Share ; ditto new Shares, 21 3 premium.
3 per Ceut. Consols 891 1 Columbian 6 per Cents 201 1 Ditto for Account 901 4 Danish 3 per Cents 79 80 3 per Ceut. Reduced shut Dutch 2* per Cents 51* 2
3* per Cent. Ditto shut Mexican 5 per Cents. Coned. 251 .1 New 3* per Cents 98* .4 Portuguese Regency b per Cts. 30 4' Bank Stuck shut Ditto New 5 per Cents. 1841.. 251 6
Exchequer Bills ..... 10 13p m. Ditto 3 per Cents 18 4
India Stock 246 7 Russian 5 per Cents..... ... 111 112 Brazilian 5 per Cents 674 81 Spanish (Active) 210 4 Belgian b per Cents 109 3